Bank and risk management are still essential elements of corporate governance. They are important building blocks of the business model and risk culture of financial institutions.
For us, bank management signifies consulting on all regulatory/supervisory and economic issues related to the management of risks. Business and risk strategies, structural and process organisations, business processes as well as the measurement, management and communication of risks are therefore essential components of our consulting expertise.
In the current digital age, another factor of critical significance is the IT of our clients. This must be reflected in an integrated financial and data architecture, among other things.
According to a survey conducted among the banks concerned, up to 66 % of their budget is currently spent on regulatory issues - and there is no end in sight to this trend. From today's perspective, no significant shifts in the budget distribution can be observed. Regulatory topics such as the minimum requirements for risk management (MaRisk), EBA guidelines on outsourcing, NFR and the sustainability debate continue to be of relevance to our clients, and will continue to be so in the future.
Our clients largely lack the budget and internal resources to further develop their innovative strength and competitiveness while dealing with regulatory issues.