kpis and monitoring
Especially in sustainability management, the decision for the right key figures plays an important role in order to include qualitative aspects in management.
Sustainable action always requires the conscious assessment of the long-term consequences from various perspectives - before taking action. A holistic view of your organisation within its environment can prove helpful here
Due to regulatory requirements, the first companies will be required to report on sustainability as early as 2023, and in the following years large corporations, companies, banks and insurance companies will also set up a comprehensive reporting system.
Not only the legislator is now calling for in-depth sustainability reporting. For some years now, public interest in comprehensive transparency on sustainability issues has been increasing.
Major customers are also increasingly linking the awarding of new orders or price increases with comprehensive ratings on the subject of sustainability.Especially the young generation of employees has a strong awareness of sustainability issues.
Thus, the topic is increasingly becoming an advantage in the search for young talents.
Reporting is a major challenge for sustainability, as it is needed in different areas with different requirements.
Die Auswahl des richtigen Berichtsstandards sollte je nach Unternehmen und Zielgruppe gut geplant werden. Wir begleiten Sie gerne bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Standards und der Integration eines umfassenden Berichtsprozesses.
The EU has published the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD at the end of 2022. This means that there is a uniform EU reporting standard for sustainability issues.
The private-sector, international standard GRI has now become the most common standard for sustainability reporting in large companies.
The Code is being developed by the German Federal Government's Council for Sustainable Development. It is a good option, especially for medium-sized companies.
Auch die europäische Norm für Umweltmanagement EMAS fordert die Berichterstattung für spezifische Umweltthemen. Eine Integration in andere Berichtsstandards ist möglich.