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plenum AG

plenum is a management consultancy with strong implementation capabilities. For more than 30 years our specific expertise is transformation consulting between business and IT. Since 2019 BLUBERRIES GmbH is part of plenum and will appear as plenum.bluberries from now on.

this is plenum

Based on decades of experience at the interface between operational business and IT, as well as its clear thematic and industry positioning, plenum is excellently positioned today and a competent, reliable solution partner in mastering current challenges.

our focus industries


plenum's consulting spectrum focuses on financial institutions, insurance, and energy & mobility. plenum combines comprehensive industry know-how with sound methodological expertise and years of practical experience.

energy & mobility

We are change managers in the energy transition. Our consultants support you on your way into the new future of energy supply.

Consulting Finanzinstitute: ein Segelschiff fährt über Wasser.

financial institutions

The industry is facing major challenges – we navigate you through digital and regulatory challenges in an intense competitive environment.


Continuous changes in the regulatory environment, new customer demands, and digitalisation pressure will determine the future of insurance.

our competencies


More than 100 specialised consultants work on current challenges our clients face. plenum stands for an individual approach to consulting and tailor-made projects from strategy to implementation.

digital advisory

Digitisation offers opportunities and risks, profits and losses are closely related. The digital skills of a company make the difference.

process advisory

Efficient end-to-end processes supported by state-of-the-art technology are and remain a key success factor for successful companies.

risk & compliance advisory

Growing uncertainty leads to rules that themselves become complex systems – to profit from digital change, risks must be understood and transformed into opportunities.