This change requires affected energy companies to address three fundamental questions:
- Which of the various available options should be chosen as a replacement for SAP IS-U?
Various options are available in the market, including the next generation solution from SAP itself (SAP C4U). Businesses shouldn't however limit their scope of focus to the selection of the most suitable solution. The burden placed on the organisation during such a transformational change can be managed through a variety of mechanisms along the scale from "build and run" systems to " buy and run" services. - How should the data which needs to be migrated be prepared and managed?
Usage of SAP IS-U over an extended period has meant that an extremely large amount of (often unnecessary) data has built up in systems over time. The quality of this data is often unsatisfactory and either schould not, or cannot, be migrated into new systems. Therefore, the time is now to assess and sanitise data to enable a successful migration and to ensure that the right data management tools are available in the future for ongoing data management activities. - How do I adapt my IT architecture to meet new demands?
The implementation of a new software solution always provides the opportunity to review and renew both existing IT infrastructure and planned IT activities.
We help you to answer these and other questions which are critical for success into the future, all while ensuring the organisational burden doesn't become too much to bear!
Download our brochure and contact us to organise a discussion about these and other related issues (Flyer available in German only)