energy trading

Mastering volatile markets, implementing legal requirements.

increased complexity of implementation due to regulation, volatility and weather influences

The dream of liberalized markets within the EU has come to a sudden end with the war in Ukraine. The intervention of EU states in the gas market and, as a result, in the electricity markets is as big as it has been 30 years ago.


The distortions in gas prices have affected energy trading as a whole. Spark and dark spreads can be managed again and harbor old risks. On the other hand, the regulated feed-in tariffs for renewable energies are again leading to falling price signals and liquidity problems on the electricity markets. The increasing price influence of the weather and increased volatility due to excess volumes will continue to lead to major uncertainties. Renewed regulatory trends will lead to increased implementation complexity. 

Hedging strategies and processes should be constantly adapted to changing market conditions. Transparent data and good documentation are success factors. 


our offer

  • Conversion of the hedging strategies for the existing portfolios 
  • Review of instruments for risk management and optimization
  • Implementation of regulatory requirements such as gas, electricity and heat price brakes


  • Implementation of monitoring and documentation processes in small and medium-sized companies, such as bio-gas plants, to implement minimum risk and compliance requirements
  • Transfer pricing and transfer products for inter-company or cross-border settlements
  • Impact of MiFid Review on energy traders