energy & mobility

Upheaval in the energy sector is going to be a pivotal factor in coming years. We see ourselves as change and transformation managers during the energy transition, and work with you to develop sustainable solutions on the journey into the future of the energy industry

plenum in the energy industry

The challenges in energy production are massive:  The advancement of decarbonisation, a safeguarding of energy security, the realisation of opportunities presented by digitalisation, an avoidance of price hikes, the implementation of sustainable solutions, and an integration of new work methods all pose difficulties. Meanwhile, traditional borders both within and outside of the industry are breaking down as new competitors find their place in the market. The impacts of all these trends are adding pressure to, and demanding new business models from, traditional market players.

For over 30 years plenum has stood for the practical implementation of change in all areas of the energy industry. We therefore understand the needs of both the largest suppliers and regional market participants

our positioning

We know the industry intimately and understand its challenges. Our focus on the interface between the operational business and IT helps us to realise and exploit the possibilities derived from innovative solutions. We work with you to build future-oriented concepts and help create the right conditions to realise the sustainable implementation of change activities. Our focus: We shape the path to successful change Trust our proven methods and our many years of experience on the way to the future of the energy sector

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