customer experience

Lean, data-driven, employee-friendly processes for your customer experience worlds

increased customer exspectations and changed market situation

A high number of complaints, a high churn rate and customers switching to competitors are an indication that customers are often dissatisfied with the customer experience on offer. Customers expect fully digital shopping experiences in a competitive and volatile market environment - quality, price and service alone are no longer decisive factors for success in today's competitive environment. 


customer is in the center

The solution sounds mundane - the customer must be at the center of our thinking! But the underlying issues are far more complex:

  • Which systems fit our sales organization, our IT architecture and landscape?
  • What KPIs do we need to measure and promote our customers' experiences?
  • How do we design our processes to offer both our employees and our customers the best possible experience?
  • How do we use customer data to improve our customers' experience?
  • How do we promote innovation and customer centricity through a positive change in corporate culture?
  • How do we design our product portfolio to enhance the customer experience?
  • How do we prioritize our actions effectively?



our offer

We provide consulting services in the field of light, power and heat with a focus on key issues relating to the energy transition. Our consultants are happy to assist you in establishing yourself, or further developing, as a future-oriented provider within the electricity and heating grids for the next 20 to 30 years, as well as in your operational business.

The foundations for all in-depth decisions and processes are laid in customer value management. A data-driven decision-making culture can only be developed by using the right data to calculate the right KPIs. Let's shape the future of your company "data-driven" together.    


Various processes need to be considered and supported in order to develop innovative business ideas: Product design, identification of customer needs, technologies, sales expectations, pricing, competition and business planning. We support you and help you bring your next big idea to market!


Our plenum CXM Cycle (Customer Experience Management Cycle) helps you to improve customer experiences quickly, iteratively and with a strategic fit. The plenum CXM Cycle is based on an agile approach and our belief that even small, continuous, iterative adjustments will bring you closer to your goal of creating real customer experiences.    


Our experts know the time pressure your company is under: facts must be created before support for SAP IS-U expires! But which systems available on the market are the right ones for my company? What is my sweet spot in the continuum between "make or buy"? How do I prepare my company for the change? We have the experience and references to answer these questions for you.


In these difficult times for energy suppliers, we help you to understand your customers and their needs and thus set the tone in the market. We will show you what offensive and defensive capabilities you need to overcome the crisis and make the right decisions for your customer structure.