Organisations are increasingly confronted by the challenge of assessing and managing the profitability of their product portfolios in a precise and accurate manner. In this context, a transparent overview of all relevant cost components (including but not limited to CtA: Cost to Acquire, CtR: Cost to retain, CtS: Cost to Serve and ancillary costs) is decisive in increasing increasing efficiency and profitability.
Our customer value management approach offers wide-ranging transparency and targeted optimisation opportunities in a time of volatile energy markets and technological change (replacement of SAP IS-U). Our expertise in identifying value drivers helps you to master these current challenges and to make strategically focused business decisions, thereby ensuring stable customer relationships and ultimately long-term profitability.
When considering customer value management, plenum places its primary focus on the determination of value drivers. This central pillar is decisive in the development of strategies which sustainably increase customer value (and consequently business success). By focusing on a precise analysis of financial and non-financial factors we recognise the importance of strategic positioning within the context of an effective Target Operating Model (TOM). These elements are critical both in defining the long-term direction of the business and in establishing a customer-focused organisation. Further, our specialised tool for the documentation and allocation of structural costs allows us to measure and optimise business performance.
For further information please download our free flyer (Available in German only). Alternatively, contact us for an individual discussion to learn more about our approach and methodology.