using visualisation of customer journeys to increase customer experience transparency

The reality of customer experience

It is widely agreed that customer experience is playing an ever-increasing role in the acquisition and retention of customers. However, many energy companies fall into the trap of looking “out” at customers from an internal, process-based perspective, whereas their customers perceive the organization from the outside looking in. This often leads to a misalignment, whereby what we think is good customer experience does not actually match the customer’s requirements or expectations.


How can we help?

plenum supports energy companies to ensure that they are accurately perceiving the real-life experience of their customers and to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for customer service differentiation. Through our customer experience model, supported by our customer journey mapping tools, we deliver transparency on customer interactions and how they can lead to positive perceptions of your organisation, building a sustainable approach to improving customer experience and adapting to changing customer expectations.

our approach

Our approach is based on three overarching components: 

Our customer journey mapping tools provide an end-to-end overview of how customers experience your organization both at a macro and at an interaction-by-interaction level. Our templates provide a structure for you to understand the customer journey, the customer’s emotions while experiencing that journey, and the areas that may be leading to a breakdown of your relationship with your customers. 


Using our customer journeys as a basis for discussion, we help you to identify and prioritise the initiatives which can provide the quickest and largest improvement in your customer experience offer. We then develop an implementation model with you, taking into account your individual situation, requirements, and capabilities to ensure sustainable and continuous improvement. 



In the review phase we focus on two key aspects: The effect of initiatives on agreed KPIs, and the continuous improvement process itself.  

We conduct reviews regularly to ensure that the implemented initiatives have had the desired effect on standardised, established customer service metrics and identify the next areas of focus for continuous improvement. We then look at the continuous improvement process itself to ensure current and proposed initiatives are implemented quickly, effectively, and efficiently.